The beautiful Month of May is upon on and we are LOVING IT!! The warm temperatures, the birds busy with their little ones, digging your hands into the warm dirt to plant those little nursling's, green grass, leaves on the trees, chickens roaming around...! Ahhh, so refreshing!! (But just wishing that that swallow would have picked a spot more out of the way to make a nest. I don't like birds swooping down at me when I walk by, but then again, haven't we been given the dominion over animals??? Do I just tell the parent bird to
buzz swoop off and leave me be?? )
I am a Mother!!! Mothers Day came and went with nothing really fancy happening, but I sure felt blessed! When I am blessed with a Heavenly Father who loves and cares, teaches and gently guides me throughout each day, a good husband, many lively, rough and tumble sons, a beautiful helpful bouncy daughter, another blessing on the way, dear friends with whom we can play with, fellowship with, sing with...
are those not things that make us rich and think we have it all?? How much better can my life get? I am needed, I am loved, I am a Mother!
A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones.
Pro 17:22
I have been meditating lately on this verse. I want to have a merry heart always, to not fret, to trust completely in God, to be cheerful, kind, loving....its so good for me, my hubby and the children!
You know, when someone embarrasses you, you instantly blush, right?? That is how fast something can influence your body. When you go to bed angry, it is bad for your digestion, and the Bible even says don't let the sun go down on your anger. But what about bitterness, unthankfulness, discontentment, unforgiving, worry? What does that not all do to your body???
I recently heard a testimony of a godly wife who was very sick for most of her married life. Nothing they did, or medical treatment she got, helped her. Finally after sharing her unpleasant, hurtful past with her husband and some sisters, her health was restored! She also mentioned that when her husband would tell her I love you, you are beautiful, in her heart she would not really believe it. Besides, she knew who she really was, and he did not know her filthy past!
That helped me grow aware of me not
really believing my hubby either, thinking he was just being nice when he said I was beautiful, that he loved me. It was until a sister in church challenged me to start believing it that then the fogginess in my head, which I had been battling with for almost a year, would go away.
So over the next days, weeks I started to simply believe the I love yous and the compliments and lo and behold, slowly my mind started to clear up! I can think clearly again! I can have a few things going on, and it doesn't bother me! I can make a meal and sit down to eat it and realize that hey, I did it without that feeling of being lost in your own kitchen! I get a good chuckle in my heart when I say to hubby: thanks for loving me! Ha ha, isn't that good? Good enough to be like a medicine??
That said, it makes me aware that God loves us, even though He knows who we really are and were! We are saved by His Righteousness and we get overwhelmed sometimes by His Love because we fail Him so often and all He does is gently lead us on! He is always there, waiting, caring, willing to forgive! Yes, He loves us unconditionally!!! Glory! It sets me free!
Mr Farmer had his 39th birthday! A day filled to the brim with blessings! Just before we were about to enjoy a hearty breakfast each of the children gave dad a gift and just as he was about to start to open the first one, Pieter Jr announced: Let the adventure begin. =)
All day we thoroughly enjoyed our first harvesting day as we picked beautiful spinach, colourful salad mix and sang Happy Birthday about a hundred times in different harmony's and variations. We had a jolly good time!
Enjoy some pics of the last few weeks!
Making potato hills with a Cub that is not working
so what is the solution???
Mind you, this was done slow pace! |
Chicken getting whey as a treat! |
Farmer transplanting Brussel Sprouts |
Farmer John |
a tray of blessing! |
another thinker in the family! |
dirty dishes means we have FOOD
and food is important when you have BOYS! |
making Gouda cheese! |
and the weeding begins! |
planting potatoes |
everyone pitching in! |
Have a splendid day, everyone!