:: scrub, scrub, sweep, sweep. I was busy, as busy can be, to catch up on cleaning. We had started homeschooling once again and company was coming. Amidst it all a little boy came up to me to tell me they had a surprise for me upstairs, and I told I would take a look later. He urged me to come look and then my hubby started urging me to look. So, I dragged my tired body up the stairs and found this...

...what a happy surprise!
The joys of boys!

Then on Monday a dear friend called so say an Amish had a pup that had been dropped off, and was wondering if we still wanted one...free. Long story short, we picked her up and she is just PERFECT for our family. It looks like she is a mix between a beagle and a blue heeler.
The boys have Lots of Fun with her and drag her everywhere.
We are still looking for a name for her, and we could use your help!
Any suggestions??