Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Hello Everyone!
It's me! And I have not forgotten about our family blog! A few times I have sat down to update, but there were interruptions, and one time, when everyone was sound a sleep, I wrote out a long post.....and accidentally deleted it.
Ja, I did.
My hubby said is was meant to be, so I took a deep breath and moved on. =)
Normally my dear husband would go faithfully to work each and every morning without a single complaint, because he took his duty seriously. Lately though, before he 'actually' leaves, he pauses, take a deep breath and tells me he longs to be home.
...Home, where he belongs.
So, I encourage him to keep on keeping on. Soon, when the days grow a little longer, when we see a faint glimmer of spring peeking through, he will be HOME!
To stay!
It is amazing to see how the LORD has opened doors for us to go into produce farming as a family! Who would have thought! But we are and we are all very excited about it. It will be hard work, but we anticipate it, none-the-less! Our neighbour has agreed to rent us two acres of his land that sits along our property. We already have a greenhouse and right now we are looking to fix up the holes in it and adding a wood stove to start our seeds early. Yesterday our second seed catalogue same in the mail and the boys have been busy looking through it. They each get to pick something to grow and sell, independently. I hope to add lots of herbs to the ones I already have. Other than that we are looking at planting potatoes, onions, salad mix, carrots, beans, beets, leeks...lots of learning this summer!
Best part of all, we will be together as a family! It will be a whole new way of life, and we look forward to the change. Our boys need their dad. God knew what he was doing when he first gave us four boys! What a rich blessing!
Today we have a full day planned. Or, should I say, we have a full morning planned. Other than doing a run and clean through the house we have a lesson on Indonesia, laundry to catch up on, a dessert to bake, errands to run and this afternoon we are going sledding with other home schoolers. Tonight we are having pizza for supper to correspond with Pieters math lesson. He is learning to tell time, so we will be making a clock pizza.
Ah, the joys of motherhood!
God is good!
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Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Taking out the garbage...

We are not put on this earth to see through one another,
but to see one another through.

Monday, November 2, 2009

The Peace He Promised

Jesus did not promise to change the circumstances around us. He promised great PEACE and pure JOY to those who would learn to believe that God actually controls all things. ~Corrie ten Boom

But rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ's sufferings;
that, when his glory shall be revealed,
ye may be glad also with exceeding joy. 1Pe 4:13

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Lessons for today

For miss Gesina's lesson today, we hope to focus on staying in the kitchen and not wandering to the bathroom to test all our toothbrushes.

Rein's lesson is NO WHINING! From this picture you would think he never whines, but he is a pro at it, mind you! =) He whines when I wipe his face or wash his hair, so I hope to do alot of that today and remember him that it can be done with a smile!

Hendrik's lesson is to walk in love. He has this drive, which is a blessing, but sometimes he can use it in the wrong way. So today, out of many, many more, we hope to work on it! A.g.a.i.n.

Pieter, sweet Pieter. He is learning not to provoke others to jealousy. He is the last one to get attention, and when he gets it, he will 'haw-haw' at the other children. He needs attention just as much as they do, and I need to learn to tell the others to relax and not be so demanding, so Pieter may get some love, too!

This is not the best picture of Jan; his clothes are too small as he keeps growing and growing, his teeth need fixing, and his hair is too long, but he has a GREAT attitude. He motivates me and keeps me accountable. He is not feeling well today, so I gave him a boost to prevent the flu. I would like him to focus on clear pronounciation while reading out loud.
As for me: I have a challenge to figure out how my new SERGER works! Yes, that is right! My dear hubby came home yesterday and dropped a big box on a nearby stool before we embraced. Then he casually walked away, leaving the box in full sight for me to discover. He is so FUN! And I am so blessed to be his queen!
Last night I fiddelled around with it, and this afternoon my dear friend Marilyn hopes to come and maybe she can give me some tips on how to opperate it. Please Marilyn? Pretty please? =)
Some other things I am learning is, to maintain a meek and quiet spirit, keeping my home running smoothly, and not trying to do it on my own, but seeking the Lord's guidance and strength.
So, we have a full day ahead of us. I have my sleeves rolled up and am ready to run the race that is set before me!
Did anyone say Fall cleaning?

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Labour of ...

We have been very blessed to receive lumber scrap wood from a few new houses that have been built. Hauling it in by the trailer loads, dumping the contents on the pavement, and going to pick up more. The pile grew higher and higher and the boys were DELIGHTED with all the scrap odds and ends. Vader bought them nails and a jig-saw so they could build to their hearts content. A tree house was re-in forced, chairs and tables were built for the fort, a rabbit cage is in the making....
Anyways, the reason for the scrap wood was to have kindling for our wood stoves. We have two that we rely on to heat the house, so last Saturday they set out to saw the bigger pieces into manageable ones for the stoves.

While Vader and Jan did the sawing....Pieter Jr was also labouring along beside them, sometimes needing the helping hand from his dad. His was not a labour of necessity, but a labour of L.O.V.E!
When he was done, I was summoned onto the deck to see... can a momma heart not swell with love and thanksgiving? Once again my eyes glance upward and thank God for giving me wisdom to teach and train and love and respect and enjoy these children that He has given into our care.
A charge to keep I have,
a God to glorify,
a never dying soul to save,
and fit it for the sky.
To serve this present age,
my calling to fulfill;
O, may it all my powers engage
to do my Masters will!
Arm me with watchful care
as in They sight to live,
and now Thy servant, Lord, prepare
a strict account to give!
help me to watch and pray,
and still on Thee rely,
O let me not my trust betray,
but press to realms on high. Amen

Friday, October 2, 2009

Fall is Here!

A boy is makes our life VERY interesting!
(you are welcome to ask for details as they change everyday) smile

:: pumpkin patch ::

:: such beauty ::
:: Canadian geese ::

:: a walking coat ::

:: our sweet delight ::

For a homeschool trip we visited a pig farm. And although that is a whole new post, here is a picture captured after the fun of learning and playing.

:: Rein and Gesina staying 'in touch' as we are driving down the road ::

Four rough and tumble boys

Fall mums

Thursday, September 24, 2009

A week in pictures

:: At the annual Farm show ::

:: getting aquainted ::

:: mjam ::

:: at the moment we are dehydrating sage for Bebe ::
:: scrub, scrub, sweep, sweep. I was busy, as busy can be, to catch up on cleaning. We had started homeschooling once again and company was coming. Amidst it all a little boy came up to me to tell me they had a surprise for me upstairs, and I told I would take a look later. He urged me to come look and then my hubby started urging me to look. So, I dragged my tired body up the stairs and found this...three boys who had made their parents' room a romantic glow of RED!

A heart shaped wire with red christmas lights!
...what a happy surprise!
The joys of boys!

:: climbing trees ::

:: back to school ::

:: a new pup::

A few days into the new year we had to put our dog, Trix, down, since he was very sick. We had had him for nearly 11 years, and we felt the loss. We missed him. The boys prayed for another dog (like Trix), we looked around, got offers, and waited for the right time, and pup.

Then on Monday a dear friend called so say an Amish had a pup that had been dropped off, and was wondering if we still wanted Long story short, we picked her up and she is just PERFECT for our family. It looks like she is a mix between a beagle and a blue heeler.
The boys have Lots of Fun with her and drag her everywhere.
We are still looking for a name for her, and we could use your help!
Any suggestions??

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Having a hard day?

Some times you wish the day would end soon, so you can start fresh in the morning. Other days you wish there were more hours in the day, because everything is going so well. Either way, we always wish problems away. We pray and ask God to bless us. But, how can He bless us when we don't want problems? Use each trial and temptation to grow. Look up and don't get stressed out by your problems.
Turn every stumbling block
into a stepping stone
(W.A. Tozer)

And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience;
And patience, experience; and experience, hope:
And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.
Rom 5:3-5

Don't waste good problems!
(Otto Koning)

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

It is more blessed to give than to receive.

This is some of the Vienna Youth serving at a wedding. It was time to do the many dishes, but many hands make work light. Singing made it even more lighter!

My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth.
And hereby we know that we are of the truth,
and shall assure our hearts before him. 1Jn 3:18, 19


We give thanks to God always for you all, making mention of you in our prayers;
Remembering without ceasing your work of faith, and labour of love, and patience of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ, in the sight of God and our Father;
1Th 1:2, 3


Tuesday, September 8, 2009

You are Loved!

then the way is not so drear;
for One we know is ever near.
Proving to our hearts so clear
when our sky is clouded over,
the days of sorrow press us sore;
still we will trust Him evermore
that affects all things below,
can never change the love He'll show;
the heart of Christ with love will flow,

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

A day in the life of us...

I am learning more and more how to keep boys busy. I usually clean the floor when they are down for naps, but last week after reading a child training article about just needing to be more relaxed, I spotted a blueberry on the floor! (it had even been stepped on) So, it was time for momma to relax. I asked who did it, but Nobody did it and he was nowhere to be seen. So, I calmly gave two boys a wet rag and they were allowed to clean the whole floor for me! How relaxing is that for a momma! I highly recommend it!
This morning they were allowed to clean the floor too, and on top of that, they even saw that the wood stove needed a good wipe. They are becoming number one workers and they are happy about it too!
It's so easy to become frustrated when the workload just piles up and you then spy a smushed blueberry on the floor; but I am learning to look on the bright side and make negative things into something productive!
I love Lavender! Ah, the smell...!
the colour!

the look...!
After picking up a load of firewood, we stopped in by the Amish to pick up cucumbers to make pickles from. The boys soon found the horse and while Jan and Pieter pet and admire, Hendrik does his own thing...
...the joys of boys...
When we were done stacking wood into the trailer, I had a hard time getting them back into the Van because they had found a ant nest and a bug. On the way to the Amish I made it known that they did not obey right away. They promised that at the Amish, they would do better...and they did! As soon as I said: "Boys, it's time to go," they bounded toward the van.

while the boys unloaded the trailer, Gesina played in her car.
such a sweet delight!

the boys piling the wood in the new wood shed

Working so had they needed a break...can you find them?

a new favorite spot..
the way down...

Pieter's next...

And Hendrik wasn't so daring~today

A new species of BATS!

Lunch time! Smoked trout fillet made by daddy!

our flower and herb garden
Rein recovering from a sore mouth. The blisters are healing well.
And last but not least, here is Hendrik, who is overly fascinated by the trap from ome Pieter.