We have had sickness in our home and I wonder when we will be breathing something else rather than garlic and onion and rubbing alcohol, and the tissues became a thing from yesterday and we can get back into something more of a routine. But then again, if we don' t have days like this, we would not appreciate health like we should. So, I am thankful!
Last week when ALL the children were sick, we had them in the livingroom on a mattress during the day. I do have to say I had a very restful week and I could do alot of reading, studying and praying! I prayed alot, and it was such a blessing. Quietness does not come here very often.
Anyways, one day last week an 11 year girl came to mind and my heart went out to her. I realized how sweet she really is and how gentle. I prayed for her, wept for her salvation, wrapped up a small (dollar store) notebook, wrote her a note and gave it to her.
This is what came in the mail today:
Dear sister Becky,
In the past, I have been wondering if anyone ever prayed for me, and I asked God to reveal it to me. And God answered thru your note! God workes thru YOU!!! =) God Bless, L.P.
in another note she wrote:
Dear Becky,
I will never forget you. You have been such an incouragement to me, such a great friend. How could I forget you? I love you very, very much. Thank you so much for the gift you gave me. The note was very encouraging. I could never express my gratefulness for your friendship with a poor little girl like me. Thank you!! Very grateful, L
Thank you a million times.
The saying: 'if you want a friend, be one', rings so true, and I am so blessed. Blessed because God uses me for HIM! He used me to answer this 'poor little girl's' prayer.
My heart is FULL, and overflowing.