One of our favorite things to do during the 'relaxing' winter months in make puzzles!!! When the littles are off to bed, or napping on a quiet afternoon, we take the vinyl covering off the table, and off we go! We finished this one a few weeks ago and now we are currently working on a more challenging one. A train station, situated on the outskirts of a city with lots of sky. Its fun too, just a little more challenging.
One of our (many) favorite things to do |
Coming along nicely |
quiet concentration is the part I like....ahhh! |
I love my family! Sometimes I am so filled with joy and so blessed, I believe my heart will just burst! Its not that we have the perfect family, but when things are done in love and harmony, and you have learned to look at your children, your husband, and love them the way they are, and see their individual characteristics, you feel so rich!! So blessed!
The other day I was looking at an old photo album and saw a picture of my nephew standing over the bassinet of his newly born brother. Now those little nephews are men themselves, and it urges me on. Take every moment captive to teach them, love them, prepare them for when we release them to go out on their own. Not to be selfish and do things I want, but to love them every single moment of the day. I have been learning a new dimention of Love. To love and serve my family in order to benefit them. Now all these household chores are no longer just something I must do, but I get to do them because I love them, and want them to benefit from my actions. To have my laundry caught up, (and put away) because it benefits them when they are looking for clothes. It benefits my family and expecially my hubby when I am a cheerful momma all the time. When I put aside my feelings and smile anyways. It benefits my childrens behavior (and me too, in the end) on how I start the day; is mom going to be serious today, or is she not? and will the day end up in chaos reigning every nook and cranny of our lives and home? A tidy home benefits unexpected company. It benefits my child, who has just settled himself at the table with paint and paint brushes, when I get him a cup of water for rinsing, so he doesn't have to get up and go get one. It benefits my child when i see him struggling with a -way too heavy load- and just help them along. It benefits my child to see my love when I help them to quickly finish their chores, or let them go on to their next thing, and I finish up the dishes.
I could go on and on....but this also brings me to the source of our love, Jesus came to earth, to love us, to benefit us, to serve as a ransom! He didn't have to, but he wanted to! He wanted to love us! Its up to us if we want to receive that love. And to persue and fellowship with Him!
The most heart warming thing is that I catch my children doing the same serving thing. I love it! I love them! Love LOVE LOVE!!!
One by one, the pieces of the puzzle are falling into place, the more we search the scriptures and simply put the Bibles principles into practice, the more we see the puzzle taking shape. And its all good. Wonderfully good!
How are some ways that YOU benefit those around you? Please share!!!