Tuesday, March 20, 2012

A Balmy Afternoon

Eating lunch by the waters edge
two boys sneaking all the fruit
always curious
conservations area
peaceful and pretty
the wind in the reeds
bouncy butterfly
bare feet!!!
Canadian Geese
eyes on a huge bull frog
loving nature

Monday, March 19, 2012

Germinating Seeds...!

The day we all look forward to...planting!
chickens scratching for bugs
...a good organic 'pesticide'
diligent farmer!
some seeds
lunch on the deck...in March!
blue eyed lady
Lettuce up and growing
Brussels sprouts!

onions ready to fold up!

life is good!

2 early tomato plants, by now there are 47 up...

more lettuce

the greenhouse by night. 

Such a balmy March we have had!!!!  The last few nights it was 10 degrees of more, so no need to get the wood stove going, and no need for Mr Farmer to get out at night to add more wood to the stove!  Everyday we walk the path to the greenhouse with much anticipation...searching for more germinating seeds and counting the plants!  Jan has cherry tomatoes coming up, Pieter Jr chose jalapeno peppers, there are leeks, onions, heads of lettuce, tomatoes, kale, Brussels sprouts, sweet peppers, basil, parsley, forget-me-nots, lavender, straw flowers...

Mr Farmer has high hopes of returning home early enough this afternoon to plant in the field as well!  The weather is so balmy and beautiful, and a spot in the field dry enough till and plant!  Ten more days of working his winter job, and he will be home for the summer!  Its such a blessing!  He will be home where he belongs, with the boys and with his girl, and with me....all working together to make a living.  Its hard work, but so rewarding! 

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

School Fun!

School can be so fun....and tasty!!!!

Just this morning, Gesina learned to write her name, minus the 'a' and Rein wrote out his numbers 1-10.  They had so much fun!!!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Early days of February...

...pouring over seed catalogues...
...handsome and full of hope...
...a list of the seeds to order!
... concentration ...

Last fall when all the harvesting was done and mostly all things put away for the winter, everyone was bone tired!  No one wanted to think about digging carrots anymore. 

Then it happened....two weeks after markets and everything was wrapped up, the seed catalogue arrived in the mail and everyone was bouncing again and rearing to go!  They fought over it, they poured over it and they made plans!  Yes, it had been a busy summer, but a successful one!  The harvest was plenty, so much knowledge gained, so much growth in family, in marriage, in love.

Three more weeks of Farmer working out and he will be home for the summer and we will do it all over again!!  Everyone is bursting with excitement and last Saturday was a busy day around here...

...stay tuned for what we did!

Morning Ritual

Soon, as the days grow warmer this early morning sight will be a memory. 
A happy one.
These two are early risers, and as I make breakfast for dad, they sit together on a chair to warm up by the stove, lovingly rekindled by dad.  They sit and poke each other, sing songs, hug and kiss and Joels response to Gesina's "oh, I love you, Joel" is a gigantic smile. 

One morning I carefully pulled the blankets a little more over Joel as I slipped out of bed, not to wake him (occasionally we have him in our bed when he is sick or something)  Gesina had made her way into our bed too, and I thought she was sleeping as my toes touched the floor.  Then I heard a wee small voice: "I will take care of um..."  Haha, she is such a caring little mama!  She knows what I am thinking, be it in the kitchen or where ever! Some folks wonder if I really have a girl, but oh, she sure is a girlie girl!  She is so helpful and puts away my laundry, washes/dries my dishes, stirs the food I am cooking/baking the way it should without spilling... ah, yes I have a girl, amidst all these rough and tumble little men! When daddy comes home she races down the stairs, flies outside to greet him in her bare feet...snow, ice or not.  Her dress twirling around her and her hands throwing up her little apron with sheer delight. 

As we often say...

We are the happiest family around!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Beautiful quote!!

'And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud
was more painful than the risk it took to blossom...'