UNTIL, it was time for them to move to the barn due to odour levels in the kitchen. They adapted very well and the boys took good care of them. Carrying the cage outside on warm, sunny days and putting them inside the barn again for the nights.
One night last week, friends came over and all the children went to see the chicks. Somehow, when they left the barn, the door was left open and the next morning all we found was two dead chicks and two free roaming chicks. My momma heart broke for my boys; they were forced to learn a lesson the hard way!
Ouch, but I hope and pray they will never again forget to close the door and keep their precious animals out of harms way and our of reach of night roaming predators!
I had to learn a lesson like that when I was young and our family learned a lesson like that with our bunny just a few summers ago.