Sometimes I wonder if my children teach me more than I actually teach them. They teach me simple faith; they teach me how dependant I am on our Heavenly Father; they show me who I truly am.
When I see my children show negative behavior, I see myself and I know they have picked it up from me. I have made an influence, but in the wrong way! More is caught than taught! I see the need to correct myself and be a better example.
When I see one of them getting frustrated when they other tries to find his line in a song we are singing and it sounds 'off tune', I know that he has somewhere, somehow caught the 'get frustrated easily' bug from me and I am reminded again to be a gentle, patient momma.
In times when too many life lessons come my way it would be easier to just give up. What's the use? Why even try? It will never work....and the despair mounts up...
But Christ wants to purify us. He uses these lessons to try us, show us ourselves as He moulds us into vessels of honour for Him! It takes a day to day choice on our part to follow Him. It takes diligence, like it takes diligence to weed our garden, to pull away the nutrient-, water-, sunlight robbing weeds to encourage better growth in the flowers and plants we have there. So it is in the garden of life, we need to be diligent in weeding our hearts from frustration, bad habits, discontentment, selfishness, unthankfulness, bitterness, worldly and empty distractions, pride, anger, fear etc, etc.
Due to the sudden growth of weeds in the hearts of our children, they grow and take root before we even realize it and the damage is done. Then we can only root out the negativeness weeds and encourage the good seed to grow up and around to be able to bloom at a later date. The seeds we sow in the hearts of our children today will only bear fruit in later days, so why give up already? Patience, prayer and a godly influence is what I would like to put into practice more and more, and to not grow weary in well-doing. To do my motherly duty with all my might, and to stay faithful to my calling.
I'm pressing on the upward way,
new heights I'm gaining every day-
still praying as I'm upward bound,
"Lord, plant my feet on higher ground."
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