We have been very blessed to receive lumber scrap wood from a few new houses that have been built. Hauling it in by the trailer loads, dumping the contents on the pavement, and going to pick up more. The pile grew higher and higher and the boys were DELIGHTED with all the scrap odds and ends. Vader bought them nails and a jig-saw so they could build to their hearts content. A tree house was re-in forced, chairs and tables were built for the fort, a rabbit cage is in the making....
Anyways, the reason for the scrap wood was to have kindling for our wood stoves. We have two that we rely on to heat the house, so last Saturday they set out to saw the bigger pieces into manageable ones for the stoves.

While Vader and Jan did the sawing....Pieter Jr was also labouring along beside them, sometimes needing the helping hand from his dad. His was not a labour of necessity, but a labour of L.O.V.E!
When he was done, I was summoned onto the deck to see...

....how can a momma heart not swell with love and thanksgiving? Once again my eyes glance upward and thank God for giving me wisdom to teach and train and love and respect and enjoy these children that He has given into our care.
A charge to keep I have,
a God to glorify,
a never dying soul to save,
and fit it for the sky.
To serve this present age,
my calling to fulfill;
O, may it all my powers engage
to do my Masters will!
Arm me with watchful care
as in They sight to live,
and now Thy servant, Lord, prepare
a strict account to give!
help me to watch and pray,
and still on Thee rely,
O let me not my trust betray,
but press to realms on high. Amen
wow that is so special Boukje ....glad you shared that treasure filled time..and photo.
ReplyDeleteTruly it is more blessed to give than receive.
May God bless you day ,your life,your family .
Thanks, Marilyn! Having you as a friend makes me even more blessed! Can't wait till you come again!
ReplyDeletelove, Bou