Tuesday, May 26, 2009

the lowly Dandelion

Dank je wel, tante's uit Urk, voor het lieve jurkje voor Gesina.
Het broekje voor Rein staat hem ook heel lief, en de photo van hem komt nog wel!
Since I have been studying alot lately about weeds and herbs for home use, I can't help but be in awe over the lowly dandelion! Not only does a dandelion tea clean out your liver and kidneys, it brings relief to congestive heart problems, reduces bloating, and the flowers are supposed to make a fine wine. I am NOT a wine person, but having skimmed through the dandelion wine making recipe a few times, it seemed so easy and I wanted to try....

...so we picked a basket full of dandelion flowers,

and added water, oranges, lemons, yeast, raisens and sugar. We have to stir it every day for about 7 days or until the bubbles stop coming to the top and then strain into wine bottles. Every time we stir, the kitchen :smells: like alcohol and phew, what a whiff. We look (somewhat) forward to sipping it at mealtime when the cold wintry days are upon us once again. For now I am truly enjoying the beautiful spring!

~God in His wisdom and love didn’t give dandelions to just a chosen few,
he freely and generously gave them to most everyone.
~Debi Pearl


  1. Enjoy! Have you seen the recipe for eating fried dandelion flowers?

    I do enjoy the cheery yellow flowers and often the children will bring me a bouquet just for mama. :)

  2. Yes, I have seen the recipe in one of my books. Have you ever tried it? Sounds like a blooming adventure. I also want to try the petals in muffins or cake.

  3. No, I haven't tried it, but I recently read a blog where both her and her family love them. :)

  4. wat je met een paardebloem wel doen kan...
    interesant Bou...
    groetjes Grie


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